How Does Fracking Work? Economic Benefits? Fracking and Politics

Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is an energy production method used to access underground oil and natural gas resources. This method has led to a revolutionary change in the energy sector, especially since the early 2000s. It is widely used in the USA, Canada and some European countries. However, it has caused great controversy due to its environmental effects.

How Does Fracking Work?

Fracking is often used to access trapped resources underground, such as shale gas or shale oil. The process is carried out step by step as follows:

Drilling: Vertical drilling is done hundreds or even thousands of meters underground. When the rock layers are reached, drilling continues horizontally. This is done to capture underground shale gas or oil reserves.

High Pressure Fluid Injection: When horizontal drilling is completed, a large amount of water, chemicals and sand mixture is injected into the rock formation under high pressure. This mixture creates cracks in the rock layers.

Rock Cracking: The injected sand keeps the cracks open, allowing the gas or oil to reach the surface. The chemicals help regulate the flow of the liquid and make the process more efficient.

Gas and Oil Extraction: Thanks to the cracks formed, the gas or oil underground is pumped to the surface and becomes usable for energy production.

Economic Benefits of Fracking

Fracking provides great advantages in energy production:

Energy Independence: In countries like the USA, shale gas and oil production has increased and thus foreign dependency has decreased. Thanks to fracking, the USA has significantly reduced its energy imports and has become an energy exporter.

Falling Energy Prices: The increase in shale gas and oil production has reduced energy prices worldwide. In particular, there has been a significant decrease in natural gas prices.

Creating Employment: The fracking sector has increased employment in areas such as drilling and energy production, and has contributed to economic growth, especially in some regions of the USA.

Environmental and Health Risks

Fracking causes serious environmental problems as well as benefits:

Groundwater Pollution: One of the biggest concerns is that the chemical mixture used can leak into underground water sources and contaminate drinking water. Communities living near fracking sites have frequently complained about this.

Earthquake Risk: Rock cracks formed during fracking operations have caused an increase in small-scale earthquakes in some areas. Such seismic activity has been reported frequently, especially in Oklahoma, USA.

Methane Release: A large portion of the natural gas released to the surface during the fracking process is methane. Since methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, increasing methane levels in the atmosphere contributes to climate change.

Water Consumption: Fracking uses large amounts of water. This is especially concerning in regions where water resources are scarce.

Air Pollution: Air pollution from equipment and processes used at fracking sites is another major concern.

Fracking Policies and Regulations

Fracking is regulated differently by country:

US: One of the countries where fracking is most prevalent is the US. The federal government and some states have introduced various regulations for fracking in order to reduce its environmental impact. However, pro-fracking policies are also strongly supported because of its high economic benefits.

Europe: Fracking is generally more regulated in Europe. Countries such as Germany, France and Bulgaria have banned fracking altogether due to environmental risks. In the UK, there is strong public opposition to fracking.

China: Fracking is also used in China to achieve energy independence. The Chinese government is providing incentives to increase its adoption.

Arguments Against Fracking

Fracking, while providing economic benefits in energy production, is the focus of much debate because of its potential environmental and health impacts:

Environmentalists and Opposition Movements: Environmental groups argue that fracking pollutes groundwater, contributes to climate change, and threatens the health of communities, and advocate for its ban.

Energy Companies and Supporters: Advocates that fracking provides energy independence, stimulates the economy, and lowers energy costs say it should continue in a controlled and safe manner.


Fracking has revolutionized energy production, but its impact on the environment and society continues to be a major topic of debate on a global scale. With the right policies and regulations, this process can be used to reduce environmental impacts, but many countries choose to limit or ban it altogether due to its risks.

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